Play area at the back of the sanctuary.

Sunday Worship: There are spaces within the church and sanctuary for young children. There is an area with toys at the back of the sanctuary, and an unsupervised nursery full of toys for young children in the basement. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary!
Click here to see photos of the nursery.

Sunday School: We have a large and lively Sunday School for children from Preschool to Grade 12 with many committed, creative teachers. All ages experience Godly Play, a biblical story based exploration of scripture. This is combined with The Whole People of God curriculum in graded classes. Children attend the beginning of the worship service at 10:30am and go out to Sunday School following the Children’s Time at the front of the church.

Youth:  Trinity is blessed to have a 2 youth classes within our Sunday School program (Grades 7-9, and 10-12). The Whole People of God curriculum is used as a starting point for this group as together they explore faith topics that relate to their own life experiences.

Camp Abegweit: Camp Abegweit is an interfaith camp sponsored by the United Church of Canada. Please visit their website for more information.

Tatamgouche Centre, Tatamgouche, Nova Scotia:   Tatamagouche Centre is a learning retreat and conference centre, recognized internationally for its experiential learning model, social justice initiatives, and programming related to transformational learning and spiritual deepening.  It is an accredited learning centre of the United Church of Canada.    It offers programs in the areas of

  • Social Justice
  • Arts, Music and Creativity
  • Faith and Spirit
  • First Nations
  • Leadership Development
  • Youth and Family