Eastlink Community TV has made special arrangements for the Trinity United Church Holy Week and Easter services to be broadcast live on Eastlink Community Channel 10. Special thanks to Bruce MacLean and all his team at Eastlink for making this possible.
Tune into Channel 10 Eastlink on Thursday evening, April 9, 7:00 pm for the Maundy Thursday service and at 10:30 am, Friday, April 10 for the Good Friday service. The Easter Sunday service will also be broadcast, Sunday, April 12, 10:30 am.
All three services will later appear as a video on Facebook at Trinity United Church and You Tube under Trinity Church Productions. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAOULHuPNKxBA-tjiKF6Ug
The Eastlink Community TV broadcasts of Trinity United Church continue after Easter, every Sunday, 10:30 am on Channel 10, Eastlink. Videos are also available on You Tube and Facebook.