As the City of Charlottetown hosts the DiverseCity Festival on Sunday, June 24th, please join our congregation at Trinity-Clifton United Church for a DiverseCity Sunday worship service beginning at 10:30 a.m. We are delighted to be welcoming Miriam Rhodes, flautist; the Stratford Elementary School Choir under the direction of Ellen Davis; Masoud Fahandezhsaadi, member of the Muslim faith community; Julie Pellissier-Lush, Mi’kmaq Cultural Advisor; Basel Al Rashdan, youth ambassador for peace and our guest speaker; Olivia Barnes, soloist; and many members of our own congregation who will participate in our morning worship service. Following worship, sweets from around the world will be shared in the sanctuary as we continue to celebrate our vision for a just and peaceful world! Please join us! All are welcome in this place!